There’s Nothing Wrong with this International Label’s Racy Campaign

You know what’s weird? Have a woman lying down posing in nothing but her undies, and we’re okay. Justin Bieber can casually stand in his briefs, and we don’t even blink when it’s on a huge billboard. But change the angle and have a woman flash her underwear, show it off as if the viewer is right beneath her, and we’re all offended.

That’s at least how some people reacted to Klara Kristin and her upskirt shot for the latest Calvin Klein ad. Labeled as “disgusting,” “sexist,” and “offensive,” the model was quick to defend the photo on her Instagram.

Though Calvin Klein has had its share of questionable campaigns, the complaints over this one just might be filed under good old misogyny and double standards. Here’s a woman who’s in control of herself and an artistic rendition of an otherwise “taboo” situation, and we’re all offended like it’s the 1920s.

Seriously, we need to grow up.



Photo courtesy of Haley Weir for Calvin Klein

Jacqueline Arias: