Here Are 6 Reminders to Not Stress Out Pets In an Animal Café

Cute animal cafés have become a favorite among foodies and pet lovers these days. Here in the Philippines, we already have a bunch of dog and cat cafés that we can visit. Meanwhile, in countries like Japan, they have more exotic animals like owls and even goats.

We know these animals are absolutely adorable and you just want to cuddle with them all day. However, being exposed to people for long periods of time may also take a toll on them. So here’s a few things to remember when you’re visiting any dog or cat café here so you won’t stress the animals out and harm them.

#1 Don’t pick them up
As much as you want to, most places may advise you not to carry the pets during your stay. I recently visited the Le Cat Coffee Shop in Las Piñas, and the owners told us to only pet the cats as they might get restless if we pick them up, and they can also scratch you if they’re not familiar with you.

#2 No to human food
Pets may always come up to your table and sniff your food, but that doesn’t mean you should feed them with what you’re eating. Many pet owners say that feeding them table food can ruin their diet.

#3 Make sure they’re well-fed and hydrated
In relation to the previous one, you can still feed them, but with their appropriate food and treats provided by the owners. It’s important to let them eat and drink especially since they need the energy to play and interact with customers.

#4 Hide all your belongings
We’re not saying this because they’ll steal your stuff, but considering that both cats and dogs are curious creatures, they might ruin some of your belongings and even harm themselves in the process. For example, they might get into a coin purse without you knowing and swallow a coin or they might munch on your bag’s keychain. A little tip: if the place has a cubby hole, you can opt to leave your stuff there. If not, make sure to keep them out of reach.

#5 Don’t disturb their sleep
If you’ve been to an animal café before, you probably noticed how some of the dogs or cats are asleep when you get there, and sometimes until the time you leave. But no matter how much you want to play with that cute little pug, you shouldn’t disturb their sleep by poking them or startling them. Think of it this way: You wouldn’t want anyone to suddenly wake you during your time of rest―it’s the same with these pets. Again, they need their energy.

#6 Be gentle with them
These cafés give you an about hour to spend time with their pets while you enjoy your food. In this period, you are also given the chance to play with the animals. While not all of them have the same playing habits, you should still be gentle with them. Don’t aggravate and more importantly, don’t hurt them. You’re there to have fun with them, not abuse them.


Photo courtesy of Carizza Chua


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