5 Tips to Make You a Vignette Pro

I’m sure you have your parties lined up until December already. Halloween is one reason along with maybe a few birthdays or just simple after-work dinners with your friends. Make sure you set the mood differently every time by changing up the vignettes on your tabletops. It’s an easy way to impress your friends and finally put to good use the knick-knacks bought throughout the year. Plus, it’s what guests might take a photo of to remember the night by.

During our Moss Manila Home x Te Amo Floristeria workshop, we got a chance to talk to Cindy Fernandez of Moss Manila Home. She  gave us a few tips on how to make a new vignette every time you have guests over, without breaking the bank or doing a complete overhaul.

#1 Work in triangles

“Always have a low piece, middle piece, and a high piece,” says Cindy. “Interior designers work in triangles often for tabletops so different heights will help you achieve that.” When working on a round table, think of working within a cone. “Place a tall or eye-catching centerpiece on top and surround it with matching elements,” says Cindy. For long tables, try to work with matching pairs or colors from end to end. “It helps to work with balance and symmetry so it doesn’t look messy.”

#2 Display in odd numbers


Connected to #1, always work with an odd amount of pieces. “It’s good to work in threes or fives. Sometimes, you can just place one centerpiece on one table and have three on your other table to create a pattern,” Cindy says. Sometimes, you can have two matching pieces like identical lamps and a centerpiece to place in between like a lalique or a bouquet.”

#3 Leave a break

Space is an equally important feature of interior design. Cindy says it’s important to give your vignette breathing room.”Crowding your shelf or table would make it look like you just placed random elements together.” Leaving a blank space allows the pieces to stand out and gives a frame to your vignette.

#4 Layer different elements


Different elements can mean having a foreground and background or working with different materials. A glass piece would look nice in contrast to wooden sculptures. “It also helps if you have a theme in mind so you can think of various pieces that would look nice together,” says Cindy.

#5 Add a hint of green


“Having a bouquet, a terrarium, a bonsai, or even just a leaf in your vignette immediately makes it look alive,” says Cindy. Especially a day or two before your guests arrive, have some flowers ready. If you need an idea how to make a nice floral arrangement right at home, you can attend one of the many workshops Te Amo Floristeria holds or you can see our step-by-step guide here.


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Olivia Sylvia Trinidad: