The Easiest Way to Make a Mug of Hot Chocolate

A year ago, my roommate had this ingeneous idea of turning her favorite chocolate bar into a drink. She broke up the bar into pieces, shoved it into the microwave will full-cream milk and the aroma filled the condo unit we were living our Lena Dunham dreams in. This Christmas eve, this recipe is just right for that chill family dinner, a dessert in a cup  after all the fatty food that will  quickly impress your loved ones.

You can use any chocolate bar which you love and build on the rest by experimenting with different kinds of milk (low-fat, coconut, or almond). You can also switch up the toppings by using the other sweet treats your family got you this year. In fact, each of them can create their own version suited to their taste. For us, we like our simple our version topped with whipped cream and marshmallows. Enjoy!

Easy-Peasy Hot Chocolate

350 grams of favorite chocolate bar
1 cup of milk
Whipped cream

1. Place the chocolate and milk in a microwave safe mug.
2. Heat on high temperature for 30 seconds.
3. Place whipped cream and marshmallows on top.


Photos and video by Nicco Santos
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Olivia Sylvia Trinidad: