10 Catch-Alls that Caught Our Eye

There are two kinds of objects that exist in both living and working spaces. The first are objects that belong to a designated place: a drawer, a closet, a shelf or a box. It makes sense where they’re stored because of their size and function.

The second kind are objects that are somewhat in-between. Maybe because they’re too small in size, or because you use them way too often to be kept somewhere complicated. You can’t quite figure out the perfect spot to tuck them away in. This is where clutter begins and never ends.

Luckily, there’s an easy solution to those “in-between” objects: catch-alls. We’ve rounded up ten of the cutest ones we could find to keep your space neat and tidy. No thinking needed here. Simply put them in these assortment of ceramic, metallic, or leather creations. After all, they’re meant to “catch-it-all.”