Beauty Boost: Your Hair and Nails Need Vitamins Too

Taking care of your body doesn’t just stop at the topical level. Although skincare and hair care products are important, the vitamins you take can also make a difference. To further boost the strength of your nails or the plumpness of your skin, companies have developed supplements. These can come in the form of gummies, pills, or powder that you can add to your drinks. If you think your beauty routine could use an extra step, consider incorporating these products. However, we suggest consulting your physicians for better results.

Moon Juice Spirit Dust

Some problems manifested on your skin can be caused by other factors like stress. To put you in a better mood, Moon Juice has come up with a blend of herbs that can help combat that stress. Aside from that, this Spirit Dust also promotes relaxation and increases resistance to tension. Just mix this into your coffee, milk, pancake mix, or butter and you’re ready to tackle the day ahead. Available online.

Halo Beauty Hair, Skin, and Nails Booster

Halo Beauty is a newly-launched vitamin created by beauty YouTuber Tati Westbrook. These bright pink capsules are said to promote hair growth, minimize wrinkles, support collagen production, and promotes healthy nails. Available online.

Olly Undeniable Beauty Gummies

Enriched with Biotin, vitamin C, and borage oil, these beauty gummies will target the hair, nails, and skins. They believe that it starts at a cellular level so the ingredients will give you healthy hair, strong nails, and dewy skin. Available online.

Ouai Oily Hair Supplement

Tired of your hair getting too greasy throughout the day? This hair supplement from Ouai might be the solution you’ve been looking for. It is a 30-day supplement which restores the scalp’s natural balance and “tackles increased sebum production.” It is enriched with green tea extract, omega 3, and vitamin A. After taking this you might not need dry shampoo anymore. Available online.

Dr. David Jack SkinShake

Aside from topical products, you can take care of your skin from within. This powder supplement can be mixed with water or your favorite smoothie. It contains superfoods, plant proteins, and glutathione, which will boost your skin. Pick between their two flavors: cacao or Madagascan vanilla. Available online.


Art by Yayie Motos and Faith Endaya

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