Politicians and public personalities should always be mindful of their wardrobe choices

US First Lady Melania Trump is in the news again for something she wore. Before, she may have been unfairly criticized for her stilettos while visiting a hurricane zone. This time is different because it’s obvious that she and her style team f*cked up.

While boarding a plane heading to McAllen, Texas to visit those affected by the family separation crisis, Melania was spotted wearing a parka with this text written on the back: “I REALLY DON’T CARE. DO U?” And it’s not a subtle design at all.

Photo courtesy of Elle

Melania’s fashion faux pas received flak from netizens and the media, calling it an insensitive choice while visiting families who were mistreated by immigration officers and separated from their children. So, what’s the reason behind this? “There was no hidden message,” FLOTUS spokesperson Stephanie Grisham told CNN. Stephanie also tweeted the hashtag “#ItsJustAJacket” on her personal account.

Oh, yeah, the message wasn’t hidden. It was out in the open for everyone to see.

The excuses don’t stop there. Melania’s husband, Pres. Donald Trump, tweeted that her jacket “refers to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!”

And if you thought Melania didn’t bring that jacket to the camp, you’re wrong. Because she apparently re-wore it after leaving Texas.

As a public official, everything Melania does and says matters. Yes, the issue of family separation is a bigger problem than what the First Lady is wearing. But it seems BS to claim that she—or her personal stylist Hervé Pierre—didn’t think her outfit through.

The New York Times noted that the First Lady’s outfit choice can be seen as a reflection of “who she is as a person and how she sees her role; where her values lie and how she will represent the country on the world stage.” The focus on wardrobe isn’t just limited to the women, people have also been boggled by Donald’s ridiculously long ties. Boston Globe reported in 2017 that “it’s not by accident” and that his look sends the message, “I don’t give a damn how I look or how I act. That’s what the American people wanted, and it’s what Washington needs.”

Of course, it shouldn’t be a matter of comparing Melania to her predecessors because that just adds pressure and stereotypes to how First Ladies should be. Still, she should know by now how powerful fashion can be. Like that time Melania wore a pussy-bow blouse amid her husband’s “locker room talk” exposé.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images via Vanity Fair

Regardless of what the Trumps’ intentions were for defending Melania’s coat, it’s still a tactless move considering the current political climate. We’re pretty sure she has a closet full of coats to choose from. Seriously, why did you wear this, Melania?


Art by Marian Hukom

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