Crystal elixirs claim to offer the benefits of gemstones

Yes, we’re still talking about crystals but only because that’s all we see nowadays. Aside from the physical ones in your space and using crystal-infused beauty products, there’s a new trend going around. Have you heard of crystal-charged water bottles?

These are similar to the infusing ones, only there’s a huge crystal in the center. According to Refinery29, “Crystal elixirs are essentially a delivery service for a crystal’s energy and can be useful if you don’t have a good place to keep your stone.” So, this is taking the crystal energy to a whole other level by somehow ingesting it’s health benefits.

Crystal enthusiasts out there might be intrigued by this idea but take note that these go for a lot of money.

Soji Energy’s Amethyst Quartz Crystal Elixir Water Bottle costs $80. In the description it says, “Amethyst is a calming stone ideal for meditation and creating serenity in one’s life. It is prized for its ability to help create balance, patience, and inner peace by stabilizing one’s emotions.”

Glacce has an even more expensive one for $100. Their Black Obsidian Bottle offers awareness and protection.

Aside from these claims, they also make for great Instagram photos.

Despite these, however, there are many who are skeptical about it. A story on TIME featured an interview with a psychology professor, Christopher French. Here, he talked about the different claims. “The effect reported were a result of the power of suggestion, not the power of the crystals.” Research also shows that it could just be a placebo effect. “If people believe that a treatment will make them feel better, many of them do feel better after they had the treatment, even if it is known to be therapeutically worthless.”

Given all this information, do you think these crystal elixirs actually work? If you’ve tried them out, let use know.


Art by Marian Hukom

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