My PMS was so intense, I couldn’t stop crying because of all the feelings

A few days ago, I was going through one of the worst PMS episodes. I got very emotional, cranky, and down. I was feeling so many things, which is normal, but they seemed more intense than usual. Most days I couldn’t really explain it but I could break it down into simpler emotions for others to understand.

If you’re currently going through PMS right now, please let me know this is how you’ve been feeling too.

Can’t stop crying

This may not happen all the time but sometimes you might just start crying. Maybe it’s because you saw a slightly emotional video on Facebook or perhaps you were just sitting at your work desk. For me at least, the crying can happen anywhere at anytime. Sometimes there’s a reason like a nagging feeling you’ve been avoiding for weeks that finally caught up. Other times there is no trigger, the tears just start coming.

Where did the motivation go?

Feeling down can also put a dent on your motivation. You’ll probably feel sluggish at work and not feel like doing anything even in your personal life. It’s fine to take things slow but don’t stop completely. Take breaks once in a while, your mind and body will thank you later.

Eating all the food

It is perfectly normal to crave all types of food so just spoil yourself silly. Kudos to you if you’re sticking to your diet or lifestyle change during this time but I indulge fully. And I highly recommend it. Don’t be shy, have that extra serving of rice or another slice of cake.

Everything. is. annoying.

At some point during PMS, you are bound to become very irritable. All of a sudden, everything seems annoying like people’s voices, your favorite song, someone sitting quietly beside you. There may not be a valid reason as to why you’re feeling these things but remember to just take a deep breath and don’t let it control you.

Avoiding human interaction

I’m already an introvert so I’m cool with the bare minimum amount of human interaction. However, once the PMS really kicks in, I go into my shell even more. At this point, I’d rather stay at home laying on the couch watching TV than going out and socializing. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it can be emotionally exhausting.

But also needy

Yup, I’m contradicting myself already. Sure, I become more antisocial during this time but also needy to extent and specifically to my boyfriend. As much as I limit my human interaction, I think it’s healthy to have contact with at least one person who can help keep you sane. Also, we’ve been together long enough for him to understand what I’m going through and he helps out a lot.

These emotions may seem negative but don’t get overwhelmed. I’m sure I’m not the only one who goes through this. I was honestly really down for a few weeks because of the intense hormones but just yesterday I started feeling better again. It’s definitely a lot to go through but it’ll pass eventually if you handle it the right way.

Art by Marian Hukom

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Tisha Ramirez: