The benefits of birth control beyond pregnancy prevention

When we talk about contraceptives, the first thing that comes to mind is pregnancy prevention. But did you know that there’s more to them than just avoiding unplanned pregnancy? 

Contraceptives can actually be taken by people who aren’t sexually active. Why? It provides quite a number of benefits for women who are experiencing irregular menstruation cycles, severe cramps, hormonal acne, and cyst complications. 

Read on to know more about contraceptive’s range of uses.

Regulates menstruation

Hormonal birth control methods may balance the hormonal fluctuations that happen throughout your cycle. This can help with a variety of menstrual issues, including irregular or heavy bleeding. It can even help with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) symptoms, including acne and excess hair. While the various birth control methods work differently, they can all make periods lighter and more consistent in their timing.

Safely skip your period

Skipping your period using the pill is safe and very easy. You take a pill with hormones everyday and skip your hormone-free “reminder” pills. You can do this in two ways: Use a brand of pills that have three months of hormone pills in a row. This way, you only get your period four times a year. Another option is skipping the hormone-free reminder pills in your pack and jumping right to the next pack. You can do this every month, or whenever you want to skip your period.

Planned Parenthood also says that there is nothing dangerous or harmful about using the pill to skip your period. It comes in handy if you want a special occasion to be period-free.

Eases menstrual pain

For those who experience severe menstrual cramps (and find that over-the-counter medications do not help), the Center for Young Women’s Health says that birth control pills may be the solution. Pills can prevent ovulation and thus help in decreasing menstrual cramps. When you don’t ovulate, your uterus doesn’t experience the painful contractions that cause cramps. About 31 percent of women who use birth control pills cite menstrual pain as one of the reasons they continue to take them.

Gets rid of hormonal acne

Birth control pills usually improve acne. For moderate to severe acne, which over-the-counter and prescription medications haven’t cured, the pill may be prescribed. Hormones in the pill help reduce acne formation, and it doesn’t usually matter which type you take because most of them are effective. A gentle reminder to be patient with it though. It may take several months to see a difference with your acne.

Reduces risks of ovarian cysts and cancer

According to Healthline, ovarian cysts are small, fluid-filled sacs that form in your ovaries during ovulation. They aren’t dangerous, but they’re sometimes painful. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) often have a large number of small cysts in their ovaries. By preventing ovulation, hormonal birth control can prevent these cysts from forming. They may also stop former cysts from regrowing.



Photo courtesy of Unsplash

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Sofia Santelices: