10 Printed and Patterned Pieces to Spruce Up Your Dining Table

If you long dream of over-the-top pieces for your dining area teeming with all the prints and patterns you can imagine, we’re laying them all on the table right now.

We’ve gathered the best pieces you can use to make your usual dining experience exciting again. Long before the food is served, let your guests marvel their eyes on attention-grabbing prints and popping patterns—so much for the appetizers! Think Indian prints on coasters, tribal designs on placemats, and delicate florals on dessert plates. There are no other rules but to mishmash all the prints you can get.

Now it’s time for your table to welcome a bountiful feast—of eclectic colors and shapes, that is.

Click through the slideshow above for printed tableware that will make meal time more exciting!


Art by Dorothy Guya