Jennifer Aniston Was Once Rejected For a Role Because of Her Weight

Since her Rachel Green days on Friends, it’s safe to say that everyone has come to love Jennifer Aniston. From her bubbly personality and seemingly reversed aging looks, it’s only right that she was named this year’s World’s Most Beautiful Woman by People magazine.

But before reaching this feat, Jen shares with the magazine that she had not-so pretty moments as well, especially when it came to her health and weight. She says that early in her career, she was turned down for a role because she was, apparently, “too chubby.”

“I was like, ‘What?!’ But my diet was terrible… It was a good thing to start paying attention,” she says.

Hence, this fueled her motivation to become more fit, and prompted her to follow a moderated diet plan (and quite unusual ones like the taco cleanse). “It’s funny, it’s a really quick transition from not a care and now all of a sudden, we’ve got to really be mindful of what we put inside our bodies,” she says. “I’m not as strict as I was. It was always sort of a monitored watch. Then I thought just give yourself moderation.”

Yup, we definitely see the results, Jen. How we wish we could look like that when we turn 47, too even when our husband cooks us carbonara every other week.



Photos courtesy of People and Pop Sugar

Jacqueline Arias: