How Often Should You Really Get a Pap Smear?

Thinx, a revolutionary underwear for your red days, recently talked about new findings regarding vaginal health. In focus is clinical tests that will help you with your sexual health and other factors leading to detect HPV and even cancer. Here, we find that new research is still moving forward. (Even though some parties aren’t in favor of it.)

Regardless, we can improve on what is available to us and we can help raise awareness among fellow women. If you’re still a little clueless or confused about what you should do, here’s what we picked up.

#1 You’re getting a pap smear too often

Before, it was recommended to have a b. Vpap smear at least once a year. New studies by the American Society for Clinical Pathology reflect that it should just be once every three years (Less awkward days in the clinic, yas!) This is very important if you are between ages 21 to 29 years old. Once you hit your 30s, it’s more advisable to combine pap smear tests with HPV tests. The old rule used to stipulate that a pap smear should be done every year by women ages 21 to 29 and once every two to three years for those above 30.

The change is a sign of the times as death due to cervical cancer has decreased  because of the advancements in gynecology and early detection systems.

#2 The body can heal itself

Another reason why you don’t have to get a pap smear every year is how most HPV’s have been proven to die within one to two years. Disruption in the immune system’s normal healing patterns can cause further damage. Thus, the three-year timeline fits with the immune system and how it can combat foreign bodies. It’s only when the disease goes on for three years should one be worried as that’s already an indication that your body can’t handle it on it’s own.

#3 A pap smear isn’t an HPV test

Though a pap smear is used to determine several strains of HPV, yeast infections, and early states of cancer, it’s still not enough. Sexually active people are advised to take HPV tests in order to cure its effects and since the effect can range from frequent colds to a number of different and disparate diseases. That means even the seemingly most healthy person in your group can fall victim to it.

McGill University in California emphasizes how most health insurances , state or otherwise, across the globe do not provide women free HPV tests. Still, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your sexual history and current activity to see how often you should be tested.

#4 Men can’t get tested for HPV

As much as we’re trying to fight for equality among the sexes, it sucks that sexual health between traditional couples is more on the women. A 2012 information bill by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention says that there is no effective nor approved HPV test for men. Women’s pap smear and HPV tests are still the most reliable for early detection and cure.

#5 Yes, you can get it orally

When it comes to the dilemma of whether you can transmit HPV orally, the answer is a big yes. A big yes from Harvard Medical School, even. Their research shows that unprotected oral sex can lead to oral and throat cancer. Remember, there are over 200 strains of HPV that just need a warm, moist area to grow. The most ideal host? You guessed it, the human body and all its warm and moist orifices.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay
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Olivia Sylvia Trinidad: