Here are places you can visit to clear the noise in your head

The world is one big crowd. People are everywhere, the noise can be deafening, and sometimes you just need a break from it all. Alone time is the key.

Don’t worry, I’m not telling you to revoke your social skills and drop all your friends. What I’m saying is maybe you need that small moment to step back and spend time with yourself, by yourself. The outside world isn’t just for group exploring. There’s more to self-care than the confines of your home. And if you don’t know where to go and what to do, here. I made a list for you. 

The local animal shelter

There are various animal shelters in the metro that people don’t know about. With the abundance of stray cats and dogs everywhere, shelters have been working hard to provide them homes—and these shelters accept volunteers to help them out. Animals have the most compassionate hearts, and it is said that they feel more emotion than most humans, and that goes without even having to speak to us or understand us. A trip to your local animal shelter and spending time with a few cute felines will certainly warm your soul and give you the TLC that you need.

CARA Welfare Philippines adopts stray dogs and cats. They accept volunteers too! 

A museum

Art speaks about so many aspects of the natural world. History, emotions, advocacies, and beliefs can all be spoken through the language of art—paintings, sketches, sculptures, even movement. A museum is the best place to connect with different types of feelings and realize things about what you’re going through. 

The movies.  Alone.

This isn’t as lonely as it sounds. In fact, it gives you more time to think—or not think—leaving you to your thoughts and allowing you to enjoy a nice movie without having to worry about anybody else’s reactions but yours. Movie watching without a plus one can be helpful when it comes to finding that inner peace. 

A book or music store

Like a museum, a book or music store holds thousands of stories from various universes and timelines. Spending the day burying yourself in pages or drowning yourself in melodies gives you a lot to think about. It also replaces the anxious thoughts running around your head. 

People-watch at the park

People watching might just be my most favorite hobby. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t want to look like a creepy stalker staring at people. There is something about sitting in a park, casually observing families, lovers, and students that feels like time is passing by without you in it. Like watching a movie scene. When the noise in your head gets too much, it’s better to take a step back and admire the view, see other people from a different perspective.

Photo by Labskiii from Pexels

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Sofia Santelices: