Start your plantita journey with these 5 beginner-friendly plants

Whether you’ve seen it from forever plant icon Bretman Rock or from your friends posting their plant babies on your feed, plants are everywhere. This recent craze is a result of more than just how they look. As I’ve heard many of my friends say, owning a plant helps bring a sense of calm and joy that’s often hard to find in this pandemic. It gives you a piece of the outside world at a time when it feels like there is none. And like true parents, the fulfillment of seeing new leaves or sprouting flowers from your plant babies is unlike any other.

If you’re a potential plantita but don’t know where to start, we got you, siz. As there are many plants with confusing and intimidating names, trying to get into the plantita life can be overwhelming. Here’s a list of beginner-friendly plants and their general care guidelines to get you started on your plantita journey.

*Note: These are general care guidelines that worked for us and may vary depending on your space, state/variant of plant*

Snake plant (Sansevieria)

If you have a black thumb like me, then a Snake plant might just be the perfect one for you. These plants are extremely easy to care for and are almost impossible to kill, just like happy crushes. Unlike many of us (myself included), snake plants thrive in neglect. They only need to be watered once every two to three weeks and prefer to be dry in between watering. They are low-light tolerant which makes their tall and distinct leaves appreciated when placed in the corners of your room for some pop of color.  

A bonus to their easy care and unique look, I like to think of the Snake plant as one of the best indoor natural air purifiers. These plants filter the air of the room and absorb pollutants like CO2 or formaldehyde even at night, so you can rest assured that you’re sleeping with pure and clean air all night long. You can get your very own snake plant from Plant Story Ph.

ZZ plant (Zamioculcas)

With their shiny leaves that glisten under the light, the ZZ plant is a fab choice for those of us looking for a little sparkle without the struggle. They’re tolerant of almost every light condition but bloom best in indirect ones. This makes them ideal for indoor growing and can be put in even the more shaded parts of your space. 

Infrequent watering is not a problem for these plants, as they only need to be watered every one to two weeks. I tend to be very forgetful (I sometimes forget my own name, don’t ask) but these plants don’t mind and are highly forgiving if you often forget to give them little attention. I wish I could relate. 

If you’re interested, Plantita of Manila offers tall and beautiful ZZ plants perfect for the shaded corners of your bedroom.  

Chinese evergreen (Aglaonemas)

If you’re more into big leaves and unique patterns, then Chinese evergreens might be exactly what you’re looking for. These plants have different color varieties that actually play into the kind of light that they need. The darker green variants thrive best in low-light, while the more multi-colored variant requires brighter light exposure. In any case, these plants are much like vampires and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. This makes them an indoor favorite. 

When it comes to watering, these beauties need to be watered every 10 to 14 days or when the soil is dry. A quick tip: Use the finger method. To do this, place your finger 2-3 inches deep to check the condition of their soil. Once you’ve got all of these down, your Chinese evergreen will happily sit on top of your coffee tables looking fuller than ever, fulfilling that countryside fantasy. 

These plants look great with pots as unique as their leaves so if you’re looking to pair these two, you can check out Lief Plants. Aside from stocking Chinese evergreens, they have handpainted pots that promote different social issues such as body positivity, women empowerment and mental health.


If you’re a lover of that rustic feel or want your room to be Tumblr-worthy, then pothos plants are your new best friend. These plants are trailing plants and one of the easiest to care for. They do best in bright indirect sunlight but can also thrive in low-light spaces. Their watering needs a little more care, as they need to be watered every 10 days or when their soil is dry (again, you can use the finger method).

Their heart-shaped leaves and different color variants add the perfect rustic touch to any space. If you’re not a fan of the trailing aesthetic, you can also choose to poke a stake into the pot so that the vines will grow around it. If you’re eager to start your Tumblr-worthy room, Ubloom offers a wide range of choices for pothos plants for you to choose from and centers their business around their advocacy to help their local gardeners in Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. Pothos plants are a staple favorite for beginners and beyond, so go forth and cozy up that space you’ve been eyeing for months. 


As someone who enjoys making a space look like a fabulous jungle, Philodendrons are a go-to. These plants come in two growing variants, the trailing and self-heading, this means they can stand on their own. Their care is similar to the pothos; they do best in indirect sunlight and need to be watered every five to 10 days or when you feel their soil is dry. 

If you’re ready to transform your space into the jungle-aesthetic of your dreams, Plante De Soleil and httplants can help make it a reality. They both offer a wide selection of both variants of Philodendrons that will make becoming a plantita easy and fun. 

Being a plantita is all about the care, fun and dedication to keep your newfound babies alive and healthy. Trends may come and go, but we’re hoping that being a plant parent is one that will stay. 


Art by Dana Calvo

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Alexa Cruz: