Don’t worry, Dua Lipa’s ‘Future Nostalgia’ era isn’t over yet

Dua Lipa recently went on Billboard to talk about how she reinvented the pop album campaign in the midst of the pandemic with the release of her sophomore album “Future Nostalgia,” and boy did she have tea to spill for her fans! In particular, she noted that despite the Future Nostalgia tour being put on hold and plans for her next album already starting, she isn’t letting go of her current pop era: “I’m talking to my team about, even once the deluxe is out, coming back to some songs off ‘Future Nostalgia’ and putting them out as singles and making videos,” she said.

One of the most fun things about being a fan of modern pop stars is following their different eras—it’s not just the new music that makes it worthwhile, but also the new images, concepts and identities that each album brings. As Billboard describes it, it’s a holdover from David Bowie, Prince and Madonna and “re-popularized” by Lady Gaga and Beyonce: “Each star has sunk deeper into the mode of killing the past and rebirthing a new image with every album that goes beyond just working with new collaborators and debuting an updated sound.”

Reading the interview and Lipa’s comments about an album’s life span, you’ll see why she’s killing this era, even as other pop acts have seemingly abandoned their own album campaigns because of the current global situation. (On Twitter, even non-Dua Lipa stans are taking notice, many of them @-ing their faves to do the same and give them an actual era.) Lipa knows why a pop era is so important to fans, and what makes it work. 

A few more gems from the Billboard interview: “‘I don’t feel like an album should finish once it’s out,’ says Lipa, who has already teased a Future Nostalgia B-sides set coming in 2021. ‘Yes, people can hear it, but you can still create such a fun world around it,’”she adds. “‘I don’t feel collaborations always have to be done with people [who] are already at the top of the game and killing it globally,’ she says. ‘It’s cool to come together and open up a whole new audience. It makes my job even more exciting,’” “Her favorite artists never played Kosovo, and she vowed not to neglect similar fans with her own tours.”

Honestly, I can’t wait to see what else she has in store for us. 


Photo screengrabbed from the “Don’t Break My Heart” music video

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Zofiya Acosta: Zofiya, editor, cat parent, and Very Online™️ person, has not had a good night’s sleep since 2016. They love movies and TV and could spend their whole life talking about how 2003’s “Crying Ladies” is the best movie anyone’s ever made.