Why Are More Women Quitting the Facebook Team?

If there are two Internet-related companies that people would love to work at, they’re Google (have you seen their cool offices?) and Facebook. However, it seems that latter is under fire due to allegations of sexism happening in their office.

In a tell-all piece on The Guardian, a former contractor of Facebook revealed that women “are rarely encouraged to speak up” in the Trending-news team.

“I often found that when I reported a problem with the Trending tool or a discrepancy in the guidelines, my claims were dismissed. When a man would report the same problem, he would be congratulated for noticing the problem and actions would be taken to fix it,” she writes.

She adds that even if they reported the sexism to their supervisors, no actions would be taken. This said, apparently of the 15 people who have quit the team, 10 of them were women.

Aside from accusations of sexism, Facebook’s trending-news team was also accused of curating one-sided political views on the site’s trending topics.

Meanwhile, Facebook has promised to investigate the issue of sexism in their office, saying that they don’t “tolerate unlawful harassment or any mistreatment in the workplace or in a work-related situation.” Hopefully they fix it soon because we wouldn’t want more controversies on top of the other now, do we?

[The Cut]


Photo courtesy of International Business Times

Jacqueline Arias: