Here’s a Monday Evening Playlist You’ll Love Driving Home To

We here at Preen want to give you a high five for surviving this Monday. The rains might still be in town, but we know there’s still a sunny disposition in you to help you out through the week. To further motivate you, here’s a playlist we prepared for the drive home and to help you out in the next few days.

The first part is full of upbeat songs to help you get pumped for finishing a work day. Sing along to Bruno Mars, Drake, Ellie Goulding, and dance a little in your car as you pass another stoplight. The throwback will also remind you of some good memories As the lanes get longer, we sneaked in some Adele for you to belt out unapologetically and some Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez to for your guilty pleasure.

We closed it out with slow-burn songs to help you get into the relaxed mode, buzzed for that chill dinner with warm soup and perhaps the comforting bubble bath right after.



Photo courtesy of Mystic Sons

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Olivia Sylvia Trinidad: