How I Feel About My Baby Brother’s First Relationship

If you’re an older sister, you might understand how I feel. Whether you’re two or 10 years older, you have a sense of protectiveness over your baby brother. He might be starting his first job but he’s still a kid to you.

I have a younger brother and we’re six years apart. I never really noticed how much older he was getting until he got his first girlfriend a few months ago and was preparing for his prom. It then dawned on me that my baby brother wasn’t really a baby anymore. Even if he acts like one sometimes.

As an older sister, I try to “protect” him from the mistakes I’ve made in the past. I remind him of things he’s supposed to do to avoid being reprimanded by our parents. I’ve been there so I know the do’s and don’ts of dealing with them. It might seem like I’m giving him a hard time but really it’s for his own good.

Now, going back to his high school romance, I’m still getting used to him being in a relationship but I’m happy for him. I see him put in the effort and work that needs to go into it and I just hope that it works both ways.

He’s 17, the same age I was when I had my first boyfriend. At that time, I felt like I was old enough to make my own decisons and live my life. Technically I was but I still needed guidance from my parents. Seeing my brother now, I understand how my parents felt. I still see him as a baby, a little kid. Being in a relationship at any age takes work. When you’re 17, you’re still figuring out who you are and bringing another person into your life can be difficult. In a way, I know what my brother is going through so I hope he doesn’t hesitate to ask for help when it gets tough.

Over this summer break he will start review classes for college entrance exams. Yup, he’ll be off to college soon, which makes me realize how fast everything has gone by. One thing is for sure though, I’m proud of my brother. Looking at him, he seems to be doing way better than I was at his age. He seems to have some idea of where he wants to go and what he wants to be. He knows what he’s good at and works on it to be better. He has a close group of friends he can talk to and have fun with.

As siblings, we don’t talk to each other about personal issues or problems. But as he gets older and more mature, he’ll always have his big sister to turn to in times of trouble and success.


Art by Lara Intong

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