Preen Tips For Slaying in the Office

Keeping your productivity up at work can be difficult but don’t worry, it happens to everyone. You might have started the week strong but as we get closer to the weekend, our output starts to decline. This may be caused by mental blocks, low energy, and being burnt-out. If you’re experiencing all three, take a deep breath and keep reading. Like everyone else, I have gone through lows at work but I have found ways to make sure I’m still productive and get all of my tasks done. Some of these tips are easy but you might not be doing them. I wanted to share these tips with you guys because I understand the struggle of trying to stay focused and motivated.

Set a schedule

This step seems obvious but you’d be surprised by how many times people forget to add events to their calendar. Once an important meeting or appointment is set, add it to your calendar so you don’t forget. This will also make sure that nothing overlaps and you can see if you have enough time in between each event. You can also share this calendar with the rest of your team so everyone can adjust accordingly.

Write everything down

I keep a lot of notebooks and notepads at my desk but they each serve a purpose. If I have a team meeting, I have dedicated notebook for that and a separate one for seminars. I keep a notepad  on my desk so I can jot down phone numbers, ideas, and important reminders. For my daily agenda, I also have a planner. I find it important to write everything down because I personally forget things easily. This is also an easy way to keep your work life organized.

Keep your desk organized

Speaking of organization, keeping your desk spic and span can keep you productive. Have a place for all your files, stationery items, and personal things. This way, you won’t have to search through piles of clutter to find anything. Also, looking at a clean desk can motivate you to start the day right.

Take a break

Yes, we all have deadlines to meet but never forget to take a break. When you feel the stress start to creep up, step away from your desk and walk around your office. You can even do some light stretching. What I like to do is keep a small jug of water on my table and once it’s finished, I get up and refill it. This gives me enough breaks during the day and keeps me hydrated too.

Don’t forget to eat

Similar to the previous tip, make sure you have time to eat. Working on an empty stomach is not a good idea so treat yourself to a hearty meal. You can also keep some snacks at your desk for when you need a pick-me-up in the middle of the day.

Ask for help

If you feel like you’re stuck on a certain task, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your team mates. This will keep the ball rolling and you might even learn something new.


Art by Yayie Motos

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