You can now unfollow friends on Instagram without ruining your friendship

Nothing’s more awkward than having to explain to someone (friend and/or acquaintance) why you unfollowed or unfriended them on social media. While Facebook and Twitter have had mute buttons for a while now, people have been calling for Instagram to add the option to filter out certain posts. And now they’re finally blessing us with it.

Instagram describes the mute button as “a new way to control what posts you see on Instagram. The new feature lets you hide posts in feed from certain accounts, without unfollowing them.” They also explain that you can still see the person’s posts when you go to their page, and you’ll still be notified on comments and posts you’ve been tagged in.

The mute button will slowly roll out in the coming weeks. But once you get the update, all you have to do is to tap the “…” button on the upper right and select “Mute.” The app will then ask you if you want to mute their posts, their Story, or both.

So if you get sick of someone’s humble bragging or you just want to take a break from their posts, you can now do it without ruining your friendship. Problem solved!

[Instagram Press]


Photos courtesy of Small Business Trends and Instagram Press

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Jacqueline Arias: