A list of things to do for an alcohol-less girls night out

If the thought of a night of endless shots and partying makes you feel more tired than excited, maybe it’s time to face the facts: you’re now a certified tita. That type of lifestyle just isn’t you anymore. Don’t worry, we all outgrow it. Or at least, most of us anyway. But that doesn’t mean your nights from now on will be drab and boring. Trust us, you don’t necessarily need alcohol to have fun. Plus, think about it, hangovers are never fun. Looking back, it wasn’t really the drinks, but the people you spend them with that made those nights unforgettable
So as long as you have the company, epic nights still await you. If you and your gang are retired from the party-scene, or maybe just want to try something new, here are alternative activities for an equally fun night, where drinking isn’t involved:


Just because you’re through partying at clubs, doesn’t mean you can’t bust a move anymore. For a change of pace, why not try salsa bars in the metro? Though they serve alcohol, don’t feel pressured to order. Dress in your best outfits, and sweat it out with the girls. You can meet other people here too. Fun, interesting people who aren’t just looking for hookups.

Attend an art show

I know what you’re thinking. This seems pretentious. But hey, you’ll never know unless you try right? Go check for schedules of live art performances near you. Either you genuinely enjoy the art, or you make fun of them or each other for not getting it. Either way, it’s a good story to tell the kids.

Cook off

Honestly, this idea came from Solenn Heussaff’s birthday party. You have to admit, it looked really fun. You get to share stories, and recipes. Get bragging rights if you win, or learn a thing or two if you lose. Plus, think of all the food you’ll eat later.

See a play

Yes, you can see a movie instead. But you’ve done that a million times. The theater is a whole new experience. It is more expensive, but worth it. The other-worldly production and talents are a sight to behold. The theater will definitely be a shared experience you and your friends would want to repeat.


Make sure to prepare a playlist, and pack snacks or order from your favorite drive thru. Road trips with your best buds are always fun. At night, it has its own charm. The cramped space and constant motion along city lights or calm streets gives you the chance to gossip endlessly, share funny anecdotes, and then switch to real talk real quick.



Bea del Rio: