Stop making “pedosexual” a thing, you creeps

The LGBT community has been fighting to get equal rights and protection from discrimination. But right after Pride Month, some people called on to include “pedosexual“—just another term for pedophilia—as a legitimate sexual orientation.

This conversation started some time last year with the LGBT community being alarmed by people who want to make pedosexuality a thing. Although there are news that the movement may be a hoax, there are still those who are offering support to “Minor Attracted Persons” (MAPs) and making light of the situation.

In the past couple of months, an “LGBTP” poster spread on social media to show support for the pedosexual cause. There’s even a multi-colored flag made so they can finally be seen as part of the LGBT community.

This also prompted netizens to warn everyone, especially children, not to go to marches that used that flag and symbol.

The Prevention Network released a statement titled “What Exactly Is ‘Anti-Contact, Non-Offending’ Pedophilia?” which defended people’s attraction to children and attempted to humanize those who identify as an MAP. They addressed the fact that pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder that people suffer with and that not all of them act on their urges.

That said, shouldn’t this be treated as a psychological problem rather than normalizing it as a sexual orientation? Because attraction to prepubescent children isn’t normal at all, especially with cases of child molestation and rape still prominent worldwide.

Whether you see the pedosexual movement as real or a joke, it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Let’s not give creeps an idea to excuse themselves of their would-be crimes. Plus, if the LGBT community is still getting sh*t for living life and being who they are, why should people lobby for the acceptance of pedophilia? Because last we checked, being with a minor and having sexual relations with them is illegal.


Art by Marian Hukom

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