Online tips to keep yourself safe and secure

Have you guys binge-watched YOU? As creepy as it is, it’s also addicting to watch. So much so that some have gotten the case of Stockholm Syndrome with Joe Goldberg. From the beginning to the end of the series, I started picking up on things I should and shouldn’t do when posting online and handling my electronic devices. We’ve all gotten so used to sharing every little detail of our lives that we forget about safety and security. In case you need a refresher and want to avoid stalking incidents, follow these tips.

Keep everything locked

One of the first mistakes we see Beck make is not password-locking her phone. She probably didn’t think someone was going to steal it but it’s always best to keep your electronics locked just in case. Also, add all the passcodes possible and change them up from time to time. You don’t want some creepy guy reading through all of your messages and emails.

Skip the location

I get it, you’re on vacation or at your favorite cafe and want to share where you are. I use the geotag on Instagram too but there’s a safe way to do it. One is by delaying your posts so you’re not sharing your exact location at that moment. Or, you can just leave it out all together. This way, you won’t “accidentally” bump into your stalker.


No, I don’t mean photo editing filters. Before you start posting non-stop on any platform, sift through what you think is shareable and what isn’t. I’m not against announcing real-time memories but it’s safer if you keep some to yourself.

Keep an eye out

We all want to believe there is good in the world but we also can’t be too trusting. So, unlike Peach Salinger, don’t just leave your laptop unattended at a party. Same goes for your phone. You might think your personal belongings are safe, but always take extra precaution.


Art by Marian Hukom

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Tisha Ramirez: