How it feels to be best friends with my ex

Falling out and break-ups are inevitable. That’s the truth I had a hard time accepting. Before breaking up with my ex-boyfriend, I always thought that break-ups meant cutting the other person off from your life. Imagine seeing each other in the mall, and instead of running into each other’s arms, you become familiar strangers. It’s scary because you’ve already built such a great relationship with that person. 

As romance blossoms, there’s also growing friendship and trust. That’s why ending a relationship is hard—you’re not only losing a partner, you’re losing a friend as well. That wasn’t the case for me, however. After two years of being together, my ex-boyfriend and I broke it off late last year and up to this day, we’re still really great friends. 

It wasn’t easy at first. I always wished things didn’t have to end for us. Despite him still being there for me, I was still longing for what we had in the past. 

As days, weeks and months went by, I started picking myself up again. After I graduated college, I immersed myself in every available opportunity. I started doing my old hobbies again and went out with friends more often. And when I fully accepted it, my ex and I started hanging out again.

People around me found it so weird. I would often be scolded by some of my friends because they thought I was being stupid for keeping in touch with him. They didn’t understand how my ex’s friendship was a great blessing to me. They always just assumed I was still just clinging to the past. 

Being best friends with my ex even after the break-up felt so great. At the end of each and every day, I still had someone to share all my stories with. We would talk about how our day went and give each other advice when we needed it. I think we both felt that maybe  things didn’t work out between us because we were more of best friends than lovers. 

And I think that’s something we should all be open to, being friends with an ex. Not every story has a bad ending. I’m a firm believer that things get better, and this is one good example of it. Not everyone can say that they’re best friends with their ex, but I’m more than proud to be someone who can.


Photo courtesy of Pexels

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Lia delos Reyes: Lia is what you can describe as an adorkable person. She's always passionate about what she does, but she's also very clumsy. On her free time, she usually plays video games with her friends and cuddle with her baby chi Peanut.