Don’t let Mercury retrograde ruin your Valentine’s Day plans

We know we’re only less than 50 days into 2020, but it’s already been a stressful year. January was especially unforgiving from serious tragedies like the Taal Volcano eruption to celebrity news like the JaDine breakup and cheating rumors.

We’re two weeks into February and the biggest news we’re seeing is related to the CoronaVirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). You know what else is coming up this month? The first Mercury in retrograde of the decade.

That’s right: Mercury will be in retrograde from Feb. 16 to March 9. According to Allure, those who are Gemini and Virgo signs and those who have Pisces placements on their birth charts will be the most affected, so expect some miscommunication and tech problems to come your way.

This isn’t the first Mercury in retrograde anyone has experienced, but some are worried because this comes two days after Valentine’s Day, meaning relationships might immediately go sour. Here’s how you can deal with it if you’re feeling the negative effects:

Don’t text your ex

This advice is for single people and those in a relationship. Allure notes that Valentine’s Day might make you feel the need to contact someone from your past. As much as possible, stop yourself from typing that message. If you’re the receiver of such messages, just don’t entertain them, especially if you’re partnered.

Go easy on the people around you

Miscommunication is going to be common during Mercury retrograde season and it might make you frustrated at your significant other or friends. Keep your cool and don’t lash out on them. You should also try to be direct when you’re expressing your thoughts.

Keep your commitments in check cites that Mercury retrograde will be most difficult for fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), especially those who feel unsure of their emotional commitments. The best course is to reevaluate them and “Repair what you can, build on any new connections you made last year, and begin to move on from the rest.”

Make sure your plans will push through

Some of you might have chosen to go on their V-Day dates on the weekend to avoid the Friday payday traffic on Feb. 14. Make sure to double check your schedule so there’s no overlap and follow up with your partner or friends about your plans. Also, leave the house early to avoid traffic and possible transportation problems.


Photo courtesy of Pixabay

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Jacqueline Arias: