Henry Cavill building a PC from scratch is now our fave sexy video

People have been crushing on Henry Cavill for years. The British actor (who we now associate with “The Witcher” after years of playing Superman in the box office) has been regarded as one of the sexiest men alive since 2013. Today, he has broken the internet once again for staking his claim to the title of hottest gamer in the world with a hilarious and, okay, oddly seductive new video. We can all have a little Henry as a treat. 

Last night, he posted a clip of himself building a gaming PC from scratch on Instagram. He captioned it with, “This kind of material isn’t for everyone….viewer discretion is advised. You may see a lot of parts that you haven’t seen before.” The finishing touch was the Barry White background music. We stan a man who doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Was he always this delightfully nerdy or is this a new facet that developed during quarantine? Back in 2016, he revealed on “Conan” that he missed Zack Snyder’s call where the director was supposed to ask him to play the lead in “Man of Steel.” Cavill deadpanned, “I was playing World of Warcraft, and I had my priorities straight.”

He also shared with GQ that because he’s hyper-aware when he steps out the door, he would rather get back to gaming than worry about people taking photos of him. “At home, I get to sit playing games for ridiculous amounts of hours and escape there because going outside has the opposite effect,” he said.

He has a bit of time in his hands after “The Witcher” halted production due to actor Kristofer Hivju testing positive for coronavirus on Mar. 16. According to Deadline, shooting for the Netflix show will be resuming soon. While we’re glad Cavill found a way to enjoy his time off, we’re sure he’s looking forward to wrapping up the second season too.  

We all need a little pick me up these days so go on ahead and watch the glorious video making the rounds below.


Photo screengrab from “The Witcher” trailer

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Amrie Cruz: Amrie is a nonbinary writer who likes to talk about politics and viral animal videos. They have a dog daughter named Cassie who doesn’t go to school.