Emo Batman and The Snyder Cut—so many DC superhero trailers just came out

On Aug. 22, 1 p.m. ET (that was Aug. 23, 1 a.m. for us Philippine folk), DC held the first DC Fandome. It was a kind of virtual comic con where the brand unveiled teasers and trailers for their upcoming projects as well as held panels on different topics related to the supers—think “Ask Harley Quinn” Q&A sessions and discussions on the lasting impact of “The Sandman,” which is getting its own TV adaptation soon.

In case you didn’t spend your entire Sunday obsessing over this, here are some of the trailers that came out from the event.

“The Batman”

I’m 100% obsessed with R Patz playing the new Batman in, well, “The Batman” opposite Zoë Kravitz, but who isn’t? Directed by Matt Reeves of “Cloverfield” and the American adaptation of “Let Me In” fame, the latest movie on the caped crusader takes us back to his second year as a superhero. Instead of a dark and gritty Batman, which, no offense, we’ve seen enough of already, we’re seeing a dark and emo Batman that’s more than a little reminiscent of “The Crow.”

“Justice League: The Snyder Cut”

It’s actually happening—I know, I’m surprised too. Ever since the first Justice League movie came out, fans theorized that a better version of the critically panned film existed, specifically a cut of what Zack Snyder originally shot as the director before he was replaced by Joss Whedon. Calling it “The Snyder Cut,” these fans clamored for DC to release it, creating fervent campaigns online. In an extremely rare action of a corporation giving in to fan demand and releasing an alternative version of their product, the brand announced last May that it was releasing the cut. No word yet on exactly when it’s coming out, but the first trailer teases a 2021 release date. (I mean, everything’s been shot already so I’m not surprised it’s coming out so soon.)

“The Suicide Squad”

It’s easy to miss this in the flurry of superhero news last year, but James Gunn is directing the sequel to “The Suicide Squad,” which IMO is one of the best choices DC’s ever made. David Dastmalchian, who’ll be playing Polka Dot Man, thinks so too, saying “There’s no one better in the world to direct The Suicide Squad than James Gunn” in the promo. After all, Gunn has shown that he’s adept at portraying a cast of unheroic characters doing the right thing™ for once before à la “Guardians of the Galaxy,” so I’m hoping he’s going to fix all the tonal problems and, let’s face it, bad character choices that plagued the first film. While DC didn’t release a trailer per se, they did unveil a first look as well as announced its cast, which, holy hell, Pete Davidson, Idris Elba and John Cena are going to be part of it?

“Wonder Woman: 1984”

Okay, so we’ve seen trailers of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie before, but what the previous trailers didn’t show in her full glory was Kristen Wiig taking on the role as the movie’s main villain. Playing Cheetah, Wiig dons smudged black eyeliner and cheetah prints and I’m lowkey obsessed. 


Photo screengrabbed from the “The Batman” trailer

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Zofiya Acosta: Zofiya, editor, cat parent, and Very Online™️ person, has not had a good night’s sleep since 2016. They love movies and TV and could spend their whole life talking about how 2003’s “Crying Ladies” is the best movie anyone’s ever made.