My favorite new dating show? ‘Pride and Prejudice’

To all inquiring and dateable heroines out there: A new dating show is upon us, and it’s inspired by “Pride and Prejudice.” I can assure you that we’re being entirely serious about this matter.

Okay, so the Comcast-owned streaming platform Peacock looks like it’s finally making a bid to dominate the digital streaming world. Aside from yesterday’s announcement that Universal Pictures will be moving to the platform (“Jurassic World” and “Halloween” will be debuting TV movie sequels there next year), it has also ordered its first unscripted reality show with a pretty banger premise. 

“Pride and Prejudice: An Experiment in Romance,” the show is currently titled, is “an original format that will see a ‘heroine’ looking for her ‘duke,’” reports Variety. Apparently, the show will be set in England—but retrofitted as if it’s still in the Regency era. 

Variety describes the show’s format in further detail: “A group of eligible hopeful suitors will have to win the heart of the heroine and her court. Housed in a castle on the countryside, the heroine and suitors will experience that with which dreams are made of. From carriage rides and boat rides on the lake to archery and handwritten letters to communicate, they will be immersed in a time-traveling quest for love.”

I’m sold??? Will any of the suitors and the countryside dates have the intensity of Mr. Darcy and *the hand* scene??? Most importantly, how do I sign up for this???


Featured photo is a still from “Pride and Prejudice”

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Zofiya Acosta: Zofiya, editor, cat parent, and Very Online™️ person, has not had a good night’s sleep since 2016. They love movies and TV and could spend their whole life talking about how 2003’s “Crying Ladies” is the best movie anyone’s ever made.