Seth Meyers’ Monolgue Post Election Will Actually Make You Feel Good

It’s already Nov. 11 and it really looks like Donald J. Trump’s presidency is not a gag at all. Still, there is something to smile about as Seth Meyers proves when he delivered his first monologue after the election.

“Well, that was a really grab in the pussy,” he said to open his show. From then on he did what late-night show comedians do best: make us laugh in the darkness. “[Trump] has, at any given point, held every position on every issue,” Meyers marveled. “He has, at any given point, held every position on every issue,” said Meyers. “He’s been pro-life, pro-choice, for the Iraq War, against the Iraq War … pretty much his only consistent position has been anti-Rosie O’Donnell. So I’m hopeful that he’s not actually a racist.”

He also believed that since he’s been wrong about Trump’s campaign since the beginning, he’s hoping that he’s still wrong. “He’ll probably be a great f*cking President.”

But Seth just didn’t deliver jokes. He also gave a heartfelt message to the LGBT community, to the immigrants and to the women out there. He says that Clinton’s loss means “that someone’s daughter is out there right now who will have that title. He continues, “…I imagine that this moment will be a defining one for you. One that will make you work harder, and strive farther. And I hope I live to see your inauguration.”

It may be a short distraction from all the grim tales of U.S. citizens being harassed right on the street and the panic women are feeling due to Trump’s stand on reproductive health but it may be at least enough to get us through.

Hope is all we may have right now but it may also very much we need after all.


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Olivia Sylvia Trinidad: