How Milliner Mich Dulce Fought Back the Man Who Groped Her Butt

How Milliner Mich Dulce Fought Back the Man Who Groped Her Butt

Milliner and Grrrl Gang Manila’s Mich Dulce is on the hunt for justice. An unidentified American guy groped her butt while she was in Makati last night. She documented the after-ordeal on her Instagram account, as she video-recorded the exchange, where one can see the man acting like he did nothing wrong.

See the way he’s rolling his eyes and how he mocks Mich as others help the designer confront the guy? That’s just classic misogyny which is just wrong on any level. He didn’t deny the allegation, he just insisted that she show him the video of him groping her. How arrogant. On top of groping Mich, the guy apparently said he had the “right” to do such things because he’s an American. He’s not only a misogynist, he’s also clearly drunk  on white privilege.

For now, Mich’s post is not only a warning and example of how to deal with these kinds of men. She’s also putting it as public as possible in search for the name of the guy so she can properly bring him to the authrorities.

In the Philippines, measures against sexual harrasment are covered by The Anti-Sexual Harrasment Act of 1995 and the Magna Carta for Women.

For any cases of violence against women (VAW), you may contact the following numbers:

1. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), (02) 931-8101 to 07.
2. Philippine National Police (PNP), (02) 723-0401 to 20.
3. DSWD-NCR Ugnayan Pag-Asa Crisis Prevention Center, (02) 734-8639, (02) 734-8654, (02) 734-8626 TO 27.
4. PNP-Women and Children Protection Center, (02) 410-3213.
5. NBI-Violence Against Women and Children Desk (VAWCD), (02) 523-8231 to 38, (02) 525-6028.


Photo courtesy of Mich Dulce’s Instagram account

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