A fun game to motivate you to achieve your New Year resolutions

Keeping new year resolutions is a challenge. We often just find ourselves making the same promises every year, and that’s not good. Now that 2018’s here, it’s time we take them seriously.

We’re sure many of you have already made your personal lists. If you haven’t, we have a game for you: a “New Year Resolutions Bingo.”

What is it? Well, we listed nine goals that you should achieve this year. If you think you’ve done them or was able to be consistent, put an X on them. You can make your own card/s or print out the one we made below. This is also a fun way for you and your friends to motivate each other.

Before you start, here’s why you should do the following resolutions.

Work out for an hour a day

“Staying fit” is always that one promise that we don’t commit to every year. We do it for a couple months then we stop because most of us lack time. If this is still your concern for 2018, what you can do is push yourself to exercise for at least an hour every day. You can go on a run, do yoga, go to the gym, or look up workout routines you can do at home.

Meet up with someone you haven’t seen in a while

How many times have you planned a coffee date with a friend that never pushed through? Enough of that this year and make time for the people you haven’t seen in forever. Sure, you can still catch up via social media, but it’s still different when you’re talking face-to-face. Go on, call or text them right now to meet up whenever both of you are free.

Give up sweets or fried food

As part of your “staying fit” resolution, you can also vow to give up unhealthy sweets and fried food. Say good-bye to milk chocolate and Jollibee’s Chicken Joy for a while. Opt for healthy alternatives that are just as yummy as your favorite snacks.

Participate in an activity you’ve never tried before

Ever wanted to go wakeboarding or bungee jumping? How about climbing the peak of a mountain? Grab your friends and do it this year! It’ll make for great memories and stories in the future, too.

Go to your dream destination

If you have enough savings to go to places like Japan or Paris, then book that ticket already. Make that dream trip a reality. You can bring your friend or choose to travel alone for the first time.

Cleanse your social media

We talked about this already when 2018 started, but it’s worth reiterating. Unfriend and unfollow the people you don’t talk to anymore or those who are toxic for you. Block and report all the inappropriate posts and people you see. Your social media feed will look more unproblematic the whole year.

Declutter your space

Time to Marie Kondo your life. Segregate all your clutter and decide which ones you should keep, throw, or sell. Don’t forget to check your closets for the un-trendy pieces you need to get rid of. If you need more organization in your home, purchase containers for all your clothes and knickknacks.

Invest on skincare

Skincare is definitely more important than makeup—we can never stress this enough. Grab the essentials and layer them correctly to give your skin that much-needed TLC. You can also try the Korean and/or Japanese skincare routines.

Get a new hairdo

We predicted this year’s hottest hairstyles, and we think it’s time for you to experiment. Whether you want a new color or a full fringe, there’s bound to be a style that will resonate with your preferences.


Art by Lara Intong

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Jacqueline Arias: