Pete Davidson proposed to Ariana Grande in a simple but sweet way

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson have been pretty lowkey lately but some new information has been revealed. We all know that they got engaged after being together for just 24 days but did you ever wonder how it happened?

In an interview with Variety, Pete shared that he popped the question at their apartment in Chelsea. “We were in bed hanging, after watching a movie. I was like, ‘Will you marry me?’ It was really dope.” Simple but sweet. She obviously said yes but he was shocked by her response. “I’m still convinced she’s blind or hit her head really hard.”

Pete also talked about how lucky he feels that he met Ariana. “I never thought I’d meet anyone like her. I can’t even put into words how great of a person she is. I could cry.”

Ariana even predicted that she would marry Pete three years ago.

Excuse me while I wipe away my tears.



Photo courtesy of Ariana Grande’s Instagram account

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