Signs that Martine Cajucom was in love, according to Isabelle Daza’s wedding speech

You may have seen a snippet of Isabelle Daza’s speech during the #MartineIsAHo wedding dinner. Based on Martine Cajucom‘s teary reaction to it, it seemed to be an emotional one and a lot of people requested for it to be posted.

Well, earlier this week, Jason Magbanua posted the whole thing on YouTube. Aside from it being funny and emotional, we also learned some things about the happy couple’s relationship. Like how Isabelle knew that Martine was officially in love with Cliff Ho.

“With Cliff, things were a bit different. Martine seemed to laugh a lot more, she shopped a little less, and she started to plan for her future,” Isabelle said. But what really stood out was when she saw Martine cry for the first time.

“I would see Martine holding a tissue and she had puffy eyes—and it wasn’t because she had a deviated septum or allergies,” she said. “Martine has never cried over a guy, I’m sure her high school friends know this… I took the time to understand and realized that Martine was finally in love because she cared, and I think this was the first time I saw her pour her heart to someone. And that was Cliff.”

Isabelle then listed down more signs to confirm her theory. These included Martine baking an apple pie for her family (which was odd for anyone who knew her) and serving Cliff the rib eye first during a family dinner. What took the cake was when “Martine changed her wallpaper to someone other than herself.”

Before proposing a toast, Isabelle ended her speech on a sweet note: “Seeing Martine and Cliff grow as a couple has taught me that relationships don’t always have to start off perfect. But you can choose to work on it and you can choose each other every day—that’s what Martine and Cliff have done. Despite all the obstacles and all the differences, they chose each other.” The latter included Cliff owning a leather fedora.

If you want a tutorial on giving a wedding speech like Isabelle, she seems to be planning to make a video on it—according to her Instagram Stories at least. Watch the full speech below so you can laugh and cry, too:


Photo courtesy of Isabelle Daza’s Instagram account

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Jacqueline Arias: