Olivia Reyes wants a sisterhood like Elsa and Anna from ‘Frozen’

The Reyes family has a lot to be grateful for, especially now that they’re expecting their second daughter. It’s also an exciting time for three-year-old Olivia Reyes, who’s already looking to the most feminist Disney characters for her role as big sister.

“She always says she’s the Elsa and her baby sister will be like Anna,” GP Reyes tells us in a message, pertaining to the lead characters in Frozen. “Whenever she sees a baby in the mall, she says ‘I’m gonna be a big sister!’ and gets real curious.”

When Frozen came out in 2014, it was praised for its take on princesses not needing princes to save them. (Feminism!) It also highlighted the fact that true love isn’t always romantic and can be found in one’s family. So comparing your sisterhood to Elsa and Anna is a good start for little Olivia.

Meanwhile, when asked about the possible name of their baby girl, GP kept it a secret for now. “We’ll reveal later on,” he teased.


Photo courtesy of Olivia Reyes’ Instagram account

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