How driving in the city feels like an intense action movie


You don’t have to be a stunt driver to experience what it’s like to be in an action film, driving around the city can give you the same scenes. Okay, it might not be exactly the same, but it’s very similar. From driving through traffic to finding the best route, you also need the perfect car. The new Toyota Vios might just be the one with its daytime running lights, paddle shifting, and alloy wheels. Don’t believe me? Watch the video below to find out and keep reading to see how driving around the metro is just like being in an action movie.


Whether you’re in a building basement or on the street, looking for the perfect parking spot is no easy feat. You have to keep all your senses alert so that you don’t miss out on a slot. Oh, you want to make sure that you beat other drivers to it too. Once you find one, the actual process of parking can also be difficult because other cars around you might not be parked properly.

Beating rush hour

When you’re about to leave work, can you feel your heart racing? Not just because you’re heading home but because you want to beat rush hour. If the elevators are taking too long, take the stairs, start your car, and do your best to make it out before traffic strikes.

Avoiding construction

No matter where you are in the city, you are bound to come across some construction. Sure, sometimes Waze warns you about it but other times you are stopped unexpectedly. Weaving in and out of streets, trying to find the best route can almost feel like an intense car chase.

Dealing with traffic enforcers

When you’re flagged down by a traffic enforcer, don’t lose your cool. It’s easy to raise your voice and start defending yourself immediately but do otherwise. Just like actors in thrilling movies, focus all your energy on what’s right and see what needs to be done.

Noise pollution

Traffic brings on so much noise pollution that you feel like you’re in the middle of movie explosions. There are horns honking, engines revving, and sometimes even people shouting. I know, these sounds can add even more stress to your situation but just put on some music or a podcast, and you should be fine.


Whether we like it or not, jaywalkers exist. Some people who cross the street think that pedestrian lanes and traffic lights are merely suggestions and not rules to follow. Just like avoiding other cars on the road, you also have to watch out for people crossing the street illegally.


Art by Marian Hukom

Gifs by Samantha Ong

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Tisha Ramirez: