The introvert’s guide to surviving holiday gatherings

Christmas can be fun. What with all the presents, and the seemingly unlimited food. But it can also be a ruckus, especially for introverts and those who are socially awkward (like me), family gatherings can be painful. So if you’re stressing out, relax. Here are some tips to help you survive the night.

Prepare for comebacks

We’re all aware with every gathering, there’s always that one person (Titas, we’re looking at you) who just have to have a snide comment (about your weight, usually). Just ride with it. Be ready with a comeback, but make sure to be respectful so you end up with a friendly banter instead of a full-blown family drama.

Master the art of dodging questions

Speaking of titas and snide comments, sometimes your weight isn’t the only thing they’re curious about. Other equally awkward or unintentionally insensitive questions include “When are you getting married?” Or “When are you gonna get a boyfriend or girlfriend?” or “When are you going to graduate?” Here’s where #skills on dodging questions come in handy. One suggestion is to excuse yourself and help out with chores. You’re welcome.

Charge your phone

Your phone is useful for more than just taking photos and videos. It can save you a couple of times throughout the night. Whereas introverts are used to relying on books to avoid awkward conversations, the phone can do that and more. Still, we suggest you use this for emergency only. It’s still better to be in the moment and just try to enjoy the party as best you can.

Stick with your group

In large family gatherings, sticking with your people will definitely increase your chances of surviving. It could be cousins you’re close with, or your siblings. But also, avoid being too clique-ish and make sure to interact with other people in the room as well.

A little bit of alcohol helps

Maybe liquid courage is all you need. (Especially when it’s your turn on the karaoke.) Like Catriona Gray famously said, everything in moderation is okay. But then again, it’s that time of year you can go all out. You have family supervision after all. So, #YOLO. We support you either way.


Art by Marian Hukom

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