The best ways to use the new pinching hand emoji


Whether you have iOS or Android phones, you probably heard about the new emojis. Throughout 2019, 230 icons will be released. These include food, people, and a very controversial “pinching hand” emoji. It is supposed to symbolize pinching, but a lot of people are interpreting it otherwise. I don’t blame them. When it comes to emojis, I use them as a form of expression when I feel that just words doesn’t cut it. Inserting a laughing face here and a facepalm there will really let the person you’re texting know exactly how you feel. That being said, we don’t always use emojis in the right context. Need I remind everyone how majority of people use the peach and eggplant ones. No judgement here.

When I first saw the pinching hand emoji a number of ways to use them flooded my mind. All of a sudden, I thought of it as the emoji I didn’t know I needed in everyday situations. If you think this a useless one, here are some ways you can insert it in your replies.

“How close are you to a breakdown today?”

“Do you want some tequila?”

OMG, a baby!

“We seriously need to go on vacation”

Your tolerance for toxic masculinity?

The number of times you remembered where you placed your headphone

You’re officially a tita when you attack your nieces and nephews like…


Your patience today

Your phone’s battery percentage

I am this close to unfriending you in real life

The number of close friends you have left in your life

“So, is it big?”

“I will only have this much cake” (lies)

“You’re a shady b*tch, aren’t you?”


Art by Marian Hukom

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Tisha Ramirez: