How to make it out alive of your first date

On your way to a first date? We’re betting you’re not alone. It’s Valentine’s after all. Many souls are encouraged to take a risk today, to possibly meet a like-minded soul—or some casual Valentine fling. Hey, no judgement here. If you’re one of them, good for you! Props if you’re inexperienced with dating and are haunted by the fear of an awkward first date but still try to go out of your comfort zone. Don’t worry we got you. Check out these simple tips on how to make a good first impression, and good luck on your date!

Get pumped

When prepping, it’s easy to overthink stuff. Understandable, there may be multiple things going through your head, like, Is this a good idea? Should I cancel? Is my outfit appropriate? What if he doesn’t like me? Girl, chill. Stop focusing on the negative before the date even starts. We suggest you prep by inviting your bestie over to help you. She’ll surely pump you up in no time.

Be prepared

I’m not saying you have to make a formal outline for your date or some script you have to stick to the entire time, but thinking of some funny icebreakers, a safe topic, or cute anecdote to share could very well come in handy. You know, in case of painful awkward silences.

Pay attention

Instead of panicking if anything is wrong, or worrying about what you said, try to be in the moment and actually listen to what your date says. It leads to a more spontaneous and lively discussion between the two of you. Also, it’s best if you keep off your phone during the date. That’s just basic etiquette.

Don’t just rely on small talk

Since it’s your first date, you’re probably wondering about what’s safe and not safe to talk about. Montefiore Medical Center chief psychologist Dr. Simon Rego told Brit + Co.: “Ask permission to either ask something a little more personal [about your date] or to share something a bit more personal about yourself and/or your background. See how they respond. If it’s positive, go for it.”

Easy on the alcohol

Since it’s nerve-wracking, drinking a little amount of alcoholjust enough to give you courage and confidenceis fine. It can even be fun, if BOTH of you are getting reasonably drunk. But getting fully wasted before and during the date can lead to some awkward moments and an overall disastrous date, so honey, take it easy.

Have fun

At the end of the day, it’s only a date. So relax. It’s supposed to be fun! It’s not an exam or a chore you have to be stressing over. We get it, the person in front of you could be The One…or it could just be another date. Either way, you have no reason to be so anxious. If they’re The One, then things will turn out okay. Because regardless of your date “blunders,” if they’re really into you, then that shouldn’t stop them from asking you out for a second date. If not, then it’s just another story to tell to your girl friends. Just think: if it’s really that bad, then you don’t have to see your date ever again.



Art by Marian Hukom

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