Preen Picks: This is how local celebrities take care of their mental health

Mental Health Month is almost over but that doesn’t mean our efforts to promote awareness will stop. So is our commitment to help our readers cope with their mental wellness. Everyone deals with something, even if they don’t show it. Yup, even celebrities. So for this week’s Preen Picks, we reached out to some of them. Read on to see what these influencers, actresses, and advocates do in their own time to keep a sound and healthy state of well-being despite the stress and toxicity that surround them.

Issa Pressman

Breathe….I swear it goes a long way. Whether stressed or not, but especially when you just wanna explode. Just pause and breathe. For relaxation, Be in your good space, light a candle or incense, make sure you’re around your favourite scent. It’s my way of calming down

Kylie Versoza

In my line of work, it’s always a struggle to keep my mental health in tip-top shape because of stress and late night shoots.

Every morning, I make sure to start my day by saying a short prayer to keep my day guided.  During tapings, I always bring self-help books to keep myself fresh and knowledgeable. After which, I try to reflect and do listings or journal of what i learned or feel about. On my free days, I make sure I hit the gym to workout or yoga for at least 30 minutes to one hour.

On regular days, in between taping breaks I do 30 minutes to one-hour jog or walk since it helps me get in the mood and it relaxes my mind as well. Also, I make it a point that I feed my body good food.

Lastly, I give myself the responsibility of keeping my inner circle well-rounded. I have significant individuals that keep my emotional well-being whole and free from negativity.

Sara Black

I meditate daily. I’m a huge fan of meditation! In fact, I created a meditation portal to help people learn how to meditate. There’s a free trial waiting for everyone who comes to the site.

Gabbi Garcia

I see to it that I constantly talk to people whom I trust to keep me sane. And I make sure that I balance my work and personal life.

Andi Eigenman

Surfing is probably the best form of exercise I do that has been so helpful with my mental health the past years. Not only is it a good form of exercise, and a good way to release endorphins, it’s also a form of meditation

Jasmine Curtis

I usually take time off social media, try to do breathing exercises/meditate for a good 15 minutes. If these still don’t work, I take a nice long shower and then get into the comfiest clothes. Listing my thoughts also helps me process and provide ways to cope or directions to take. These all help bring me back to a sense of self love and also time to simmer the thoughts so that my mind isn’t always overthinking.

Iza Calzado

Starting the day with an Attitude of Gratitude is always a great idea! I do mine by thinking of and jotting down three things I am grateful for, three things that would make the day great and three (or more!) affirmations.

.For your mental nutrition I suggest eating whole foods, avoid highly processed food especially those laden with sugar. These can cause inflammation in the body/gut. Healthy Gut = Healthy Mind. Jack up on Omega 3 when feeling low as studies have shown this can counter inflammation in the brain that causes depression. As for the yummy not so healthy food you want to have, you can have them as treats but make sure that most meals are as nutritious as can be. These treats are good for our emotional health! We have to LIVE syempre!

Get out of your head and get moving!!! They say idle minds are the devil’s playground so when you start thinking negative thoughts, take a walk, or jog, dance, hang out with friends. [Also,] Surround yourself with positivity, online and offline. [Lastly:] Say something nice about someone else then do yourself a favor and find it in your heart to say something good about yourself too!


Art by Tricia Guevara

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