Man gets busted on dating app as he assumes NASA scientist for being a receptionist


“And this ladies and gentlemen, is why I am single,” Dr. Lauren McKeown tweets as she shuts down a man on a dating app who assumed she was a receptionist for NASA.

Her profile writes that the “dorkiest” thing about her is that she worked at NASA. Mikey responded to this saying that it was “cool”, and that he wanted to tell his parents about her.

But as Dr. Lauren invites him to start the chat, Mikey commits his downfall as he assumes her position as a receptionist. Following with a “Jk you look reasonably smart.”

Her response to the bachelor was epic.

She wrote, Smart enough to know at least that judging a woman’s intelligence based on her appearance might not be the best way to initiate conversation. PS. my mother is a primary school receptionist and is the wisest, most inspirational, and kindest person I know. So much so in fact that my PhD. thesis in planetary science is dedicated to her.”

As Dr. Lauren shared this on twitter, a great number of women scientists expressed the same sentiments, sharing their own fair share of sexist experiences.

Hinge, the dating app themselves, even replied to Dr. Lauren’s tweet saying “Yikes.”

The scientist quickly expressed in a later tweet that she was indeed shocked with the responses that her story garnered, and is glad that she was able to create discourse on such an important topic.

Sofia Santelices: