Pregnant vlogger Princess Mae cannot believe she’s being fat-shamed

Fil-Am YouTuber Princess Mae shared on Twitter that she is tired of people fat-shaming her during her pregnancy. Who even does that?

Princess is pregnant with her second baby. She didn’t call out anyone in particular in her tweet, but she said, “I’m never posting again.” Her recent photos on Instagram were from her baby shower, as well as her usual OOTDs.

Princess’ brother Bretman Rock also didn’t take kindly to her fat shamers. “How the hell do y’all fat shame someone who’s pregnant…when I say I hate it here I really do f*cking hate it here, y’all so damn ugly I swear,” he tweeted.

Unfortunately, fat-shaming pregnant women is more common than we expected. In a study cited by The Conversation, 501 women reported that they experienced some sort of shaming during and after their pregnancy. Twenty-one percent said they were fat-shamed by their immediate family, while 33 percent said they experienced weight stigma in the media. One woman also shared that her doctor criticized her weight while pregnant.

The shaming boils down to people still thinking that being overweight before getting pregnant will mean that the mother and baby will be unhealthy. This also happens when people shame mothers’ postpartum bodies. The reality is that not being conventionally skinny doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong with your body. No one should measure someone’s worth and in this case, their ability to be a mother—based on how they look.


Photo courtesy of Princess Mae’s Instagram account

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