Preen Picks: The songs we’ll be blasting on Father’s Day

My father raised me with music: I learned how to read because of his lyric books, I knew when it was time to sleep because he would turn Beethoven and Mozart on, and I learned what passion was whenever he would compose short songs for me. 

My relationship with my dad is not perfect—but music made it better. It’s a connection he shares with me and my sisters. His music taste also influenced all of us in the family: We love listening to ‘70s ballad and disco songs as much as we love listening to the newest K-Pop releases. 

Ever since quarantine started, my family has started a weekend get-together, where we can unwind, bond, eat special (read: take-out) food together, play games and belt out our favorite songs. My family’s Father’s Day plans are pretty much the same, so together with the rest of the Preen team, I curated a Father’s Day playlist that can hopefully bring a new flavor to the indoors edition of Father’s Day celebrations this year. 

“Quando Quando Quando” by Michael Bublé

This relaxing Bossanova track is perfect for those Sunday mornings—you know, those really lazy ones when you can stay in bed the whole day because you don’t have any responsibilities. For content creator Lia whose dad introduced her to the Bossanova genre, this song is very memorable. “My dad has probably influenced at least half of my music taste. He was always a soft rock-bossa nova type of guy. This song was the most memorable one he introduced to me because it’s one that I still love singing.”

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want” by The Rolling Stones

One thing about dads that I think is consistent with everyone is that they teach you the toughest lessons you don’t want to hear but really need. For all our ambitions and dreams, our dads are always there to make sure that our feet stay on the ground. For designer Dana, whose dad always played the song, it became a sort of lesson: “There’s a line in the song that says ‘you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you find you get what you need.’ I relate to it a lot and even though I’m an only child, my dad taught me that I really can’t always get what I want.”

“Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang” by Ogie Alcasid

Filipinos are raised on karaoke tunes and this one is a classic. Content creator Amrie knows that well and even has group choreography down to a T. “When I was a kid, my dad and I often sang duets of ‘Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang’ from the minus one VHS tape we had at home. I would stand up on the couch so our formation would look better on the videos my mom took with a camcorder.” 

“Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” by Frankie Valli

Although it’s a cliche, music really is a universal language. Content creator Nadine can testify to that because she was already jamming with her dad even before she spoke her first word. “My dad is one of the people I first think of when I hear this song because he told me that one of his favorite memories with me as a baby was me trying to sing this song with him before I could even learn how to speak.”

“Faithfully” by Journey

If your dad ever told you that your love for emo music is just a phase, here’s a retort for you. They have their own obsessions that can outmatch yours. Our graphic designer Tricia knows that better than anyone: “My dad had always been a fan of Journey, but he crossed the line from fan to stan when Arnel Pineda stepped in as the band’s lead vocals. He made it a point to blast his Journey albums whenever he can–in the car, on Sunday mornings and while he does his chores. He went to the concert with my mom too, in nothing less than the VIP section. I think he still listens to them while he goes out for runs, actually.”

“Ride Home” by Ben&Ben

I think there’s a stereotype that children find it pretty hard to connect to their fathers because a father is supposed to be an emotionally distant provider. Although that view is changing gradually, it still prevails in many households. I’m lucky to have a good relationship with my dad, but it hasn’t always been easy. My dad used to travel a lot and weeks would pass before we saw him again. So when my sisters introduced Ben&Ben to him, he immediately connected with “Ride Home,” because he can’t wait to get back home to us. Cheesy, I know. But it’s Father’s Day so I’m gonna cut him some slack, it’s his turn to be emotional. 


Art by Dana Calvo 

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