Brace Yourself: Kris Aquino May Have More Shows Coming

We already know that Kris Aquino might host her own travel show. But it looks like she may have more shows lined up for her comeback as she’s set to renew her contract.

According to BanderaKris’ home network is already discussing how many shows she’ll have and will have her sign the contract once it’s settled. Yup, it looks like the Queen of All Media is officially getting out of her two-month retirement and will be back on our TV screens soon.

So, will she revive her morning show, Kris TV? Will she star in a new teleserye or horror movie? At this point, anything is possible and we won’t be surprised anymore. We’ve wisened up to her tricks.

We’ll also wager that after three to five years, she’ll announce another retirement.



Photo courtesy of Kris Aquino’s Instagram

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