Think twice before bashing Sue Ramirez on social media

Internet trolls are the absolute worse. They think that they can say whatever they want and hide behind their computer screens. Well, think again. Celebrities have spoken about this and we can add Sue Ramirez to that list. On Twitter she revealed one account on Instagram that has been posting nasty comments on her photos.

She also posted a message to whoever runs the account. “I have put up with it for a while, but this time I will not keep quiet about it anymore. What do you gain from calling me names?” Sue said. “If you do not stop bullying, I will take action against it.” She also pointed out that there are laws against cyberbullying and, if this person really doesn’t like her, “then take me out of your life and stop checking/stalking my account.”

After exposing this account, Sue continued to post more positive things against bullying like, “You can’t fight fire with fire.”

We agree with Sue and, if you are guilty of being an Internet troll, please leave that behavior in 2018.


Photo courtesy of Sue Ramirez’s Instagram account

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Tisha Ramirez: