Anne Curtis is tired of the media’s baby questions

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: It’s rude to ask a woman when she plans to have a baby. This also applies to A-list celebrities whose private matters are always being meddled with.

Anne Curtis is clearly tired of such questions and took the opportunity to ask showbiz media to stop asking her about having a baby. “The press should stop asking that to any woman because you don’t know what they’re going through,” she said during “It’s Showtime’s” 10th anniversary press con. “I have a lot of friends who may be trying, and medyo nakakasakit when people keep asking them, ‘When are you going to have a baby?’ Or maybe they just don’t want to have a baby.”

As for her personal decision to have a child, Anne said, “It will happen in God’s time, and I think at any time I’m ready for it. But I’m speaking for every woman.”

When Anne got married to Erwan Heussaff in 2017, fans already asked her about her baby plans. She responded to one netizen on Twitter, “Oh my gosh! We JUST got married! We will enjoy this first before taking that next BIG step!”

Now that they’re married for almost two years, it’s still no one’s business if they have a baby or not. Both Anne and Erwan are working hard in their respective careers, how about people start asking them about their achievements instead of the decisions they make as a couple?

Take your time, Anne. Also, thank you for speaking up for all the women who are being pressured into getting pregnant ASAP.



Photo courtesy of Anne Curtis’ Instagram account

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