We’re #Still2gether: We’ll be seeing more of Tine and Sarawat soon

Less than a month after the much-loved queer series ended, production company GMMTV just announced that they will be releasing five new special episodes of “2gether” soon. They tweeted a video to let the fans know that there’s “no need to wait 10 years” because they’re going to get more of Tine and Sawarat in 2020. Fans of the show are celebrating and trending the tag #STILL2GETHER.

Not much has been divulged about what we’re getting on the new episodes but it’s definitely something to look forward to since the director of another queer GMMTV series, “Dark Blue Kiss,” is on board. If you’re just now hearing about this show, it has a more mature storyline with the characters already with their partners at the beginning of the show. If this is anything to go by, perhaps we’re getting a look at Tine and Sarawat’s romance a few years after they first fell in love. We got a peek at their domesticity in the latter part of the show and it would be great to see how that developed.  But the new episodes could also show us more trouble in paradise because what’s love if not complicated, right? 

Fans have shared what they’re hoping to get in the new episodes. Tine initiating the kiss, more apartment scenes and casual dates topping their lists. Fans are also speculating that the new episodes could be in response to a number of complaints about how the finale ended with a whisper rather than a bang.

What are you hoping to see next from Tine and Sarawat?



Photo screengrabbed from the “2gether: The Series” trailer

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Amrie Cruz: Amrie is a nonbinary writer who likes to talk about politics and viral animal videos. They have a dog daughter named Cassie who doesn’t go to school.