A cheat sheet to understanding emojis

Gone are the days of using actual sentences to communicate. I’m even starting to see less and less acronyms too. These have been replaced with emojis—figures and symbols that can represent almost anything. Whether you’re texting or sending messages via social media, emojis are everywhere. As much as I prefer to use actual words, sometimes emojis help to get messages across better. With the many options, you might be confused as how to use these emojis but we made a short cheat sheet to help you out.

Face with steam from nose

Meaning: Excitement

At first glance, you might think the person your texting is on a rampage. However, this could also symbolize excitement or feeling victorious like when the weekend is finally here.

The peach

Meaning: Getting cheeky

Sure, you can use this emoji when you’re really speaking of peaches but we all know that this means something else. Using context clues the person could either be referring to booty á la Kim Kardashian or something related to Call Me By Your Name.

Woman tipping hand

Meaning: Yes, girl!

Technically this is actually an information desk person but people use it differently. Think of it as giving props to your best friend who just scored that promotion.


Meaning: Rarity

Just like the unicorn, this can be used when talking about something out of this world. Something considered rare or hard to find.


Meaning: See ya

Not sure how to leave a conversation? Just drop a hold emoji. The person on the other end may not get it right away but it will slowly sink in that it was your escape route out of there.

Magnifying glass

Meaning: Searching for…

Similar to how you would use a magnifying glass, reply with this emoji if you’re trying to find the relevance in someone’s message. For example, if someone explains why they’re not feminists, hit them with the emoji and then explain your end.


Meaning: Cut the b*llshit

I mean, no one has time for b*llshit.


Meaning: Live that zero-waste life!

If someone is slipping back into old habits, remind them that we have to do our part in trying to live a zero-waste life.


Photo courtesy of Unsplash

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Tisha Ramirez: