My ‘Bandersnatch’ experience

If you used to read choose your adventure books growing up, then you probably got excited when you heard about Black Mirror’s latest release. It’s an interactive film where you make the choices of the main character. Bandersnatch focuses on Stefan Butler, who clearly has issues but his passion is in video games. Throughout the story, you will see him try to create a new game called Bandersnatch. As the show progresses, you are faced with two choices that will control Stefan. I honestly found this equal parts creepy and interesting. I’m a little late to the game but I finally watched it last night and I had so many emotions all at once.


I started out very excited as the first few decisions came up on the screen. They were simple like picking what breakfast cereal to eat or music to listen to. Easy enough but somehow I got a rush from being able to make those choices for Stefan.


Eventually, I got confused. Mainly because I didn’t know where the story was going to go and what choices led to what outcome. A bit more into it, and I got frazzled when options would pop up on the screen. I didn’t know what to pick.

Freaked the f*ck out

The deeper you get into the story, the more you understand your role in Bandersnatch. You aren’t merely picking what Stefan does with his medication or a password he inputs into a safe. You become part of the show. All of a sudden, you’re an invisible character he starts to sense. At one point, he even ends up talking to you and asking you questions. I mean, what the f*ck. This is the most Black Mirror episode I have ever witnessed.

Confused… again

Just when you think you’re getting a hang of the show, they throw you many curveballs. If you think it’s done, it’s not even close. Honestly, I couldn’t even keep track of how many endings I encountered. But, after some research, I found that I had only missed one along with the surprise Easter egg ending as well. The further you play along, the more the story starts to fold into itself that you almost lose where you are and how everything connects. But, boy, it is one wild ride.

Wanting more

Despite the many paths I encountered, I was left wanting more. Once I reached an absolute end, I wanted to go back and change my choice to see what the other ending would be. Honestly, I might just rewatch it tonight to see if I can reach the other endings.


Art by Marian Hukom

Photos courtesy of Netflix

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Tisha Ramirez: