Louis CK’s comeback proves some men are just set in their old, misogynistic ways

Some men just don’t know when to stop.

Almost a year after admitting to sexual misconduct reports, Louis CK sneaked his way back into the comedy stage. Last October, reports of his unannounced stand-up set sparked a debate on whether it’s okay to welcome him back. There wasn’t much known about the sketch he made then, though according to Page Six, he remained mum about the #MeToo allegations and instead “made some comment like, ‘I’ve been off for a while, ’cause everyone needs a break,’” a source from the outlet said. Moreover, while some walked out and booed him, others reportedly seemed pleased to see him. Still, As Vanity Fair noted, “The lack of consent there is particularly ironic in CK’s case.” The fact that he sprung up an appearance on an unsuspecting audience was definitely foul. But also to me, it felt pitiable. Like he knew he was an outcast, and he was trying to get our approval back. But if you’re trying to do that, you should put your best foot forward, right? That’s what’s so wrong about all this. See, when this came out, I have to admit, this was a thinker for me too. After all, the guy not only fully admitted to his wrongdoings, but also apologized. “I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now step back and take a long time to listen,” he previously said. Surely, we all deserve a second chance?

Well thanks to leaked snippets of his comeback sets, my mind’s made up. Clearly, the guy doesn’t deserve anything because it turns out, his whole apology was bullsh*t. In the audio reportedly from his Dec. 16th set, which circulated on social media before getting turned down, we see Louis CK for who he really is: A bitter old, man who can’t handle the disgrace and felt like he is entitled to another shot.

Instead of doing a bit where he admits to being an asshole (which would have been at least funny), he went on to lament the “millions and millions of dollars” he lost last year due to the controversy, and then proceeded to attack today’s youth, particularly, being “woke.” He said, “They’re f*cking neeeeh. They’re just boring, f*cking telling, ‘You shouldn’t say that!’ What are you, an old lady? What the f*ck are you doing? ‘Neeeeh, that’s not appropriate!’ F*ck you, you’re a child!”

He then proceeded to target kids who identify as non-binary. “They’re like royalty. They tell you what to call them. ‘You should address me as they/them because I identify as gender neutral.’ You should address me as there because I identify as a location and the location is your mother’s c*nt,” he said.

Not only that, but he also mocked Parkland-shooting survivors and did an extended bit on the word “retarded.” Yes, it was that bad. Probably sensing some of the audience’s discomfort, at one point he told them, “F*ck it. What, are you going take away my birthday? My life is over, I don’t give a sh*t. You can be offended, it’s okay.”

To those who tell us to chill and say comedy is supposed to be just that—jokes—clearly don’t see the point. It’s not that we, as a generation, can’t take a joke anymore. We simply just choose to be smarter and more socially aware now. If that makes us boring, then hell yeah, I’d gladly take that over being an arrogant and ignorant bitter old man any day.

Honestly, this taught me that some guys don’t ever really change and to not easily trust them and their apologies. Moreover, as The Cut put it, “What CK’s set shows is how ready he was to take the path of least resistance. It’s so much easier to be prideful and bitter, and cater to that audience than to try and actually become a better, smarter, more empathetic comic.”

Between this and Kevin Spacey’s bizarre reaction video, I can’t help but think maybe the older generation who’s set in their archaic, patriarchal ways just can’t accept today’s reality and their ego and sense of entitlement are enough to push them into going off the rails? Oh well.

In other news, have you heard Pete Davidson’s joke about Louis CK? Now that was hilarious.


Art by Marian Hukom

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Bea del Rio: